
GlutenTox® Sticks Plus for Cube

Designed specifically for food and beverage analysis labs, GlutenTox® Sticks Plus for Cube is a rapid gluten detection kit for foods and drinks.
£142.80 inc. VAT

SKU: KIT3007

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Product Overview

Designed specifically for food and beverage analysis labs, GlutenTox® Sticks Plus for Cube is a rapid gluten detection kit for foods and drinks. GlutenTox® Sticks Plus for Reader contains the G12 anti-gliadin antibody that specifically recognizes the 33-mer peptide, the gluten fraction that triggers celiac disease. Tests are quantified using the Hygiena® Cube.

Key Benefits

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High Sensitivity:

  • Detects low levels of allergen (ppm/ppb/ppt): Confidently know if allergens are present in your ingredients or products, ensuring safe food for consumption

Rapid Results:

  • Results in as little as 10 minutes: Quickly evaluate food and beverage products to ensure they are free from potentially harmful allergens

High Specificity:

  • No cross-reactivity with related allergens: Antibodies are specific for the allergens of concern, aligning with epitopes that trigger responses in humans

Easy to Use:

  • Simple protocol that is easy to follow: Easily verify the allergens found in your ingredients and products


  • Consistent results from test to test. Confidence that results reflect the levels of allergen in your raw ingredients or final products

Quick and Reliable

Designed specifically for food and beverage analysis labs, GlutenTox® Sticks Plus for Reader is a rapid gluten detection kit for foods and drinks. GlutenTox Sticks Plus for Reader contains the G12 anti-gliadin antibody that specifically recognizes the 33-mer peptide, the gluten fraction that triggers celiac disease. Tests are quantified using Hygiena Cube.


  • Detection limit 1ppm (<20 ppm is considered “gluten free”)
  • Only one dilution required to quantify
  • Quantifies 1-40 ppm of gluten using Hygiena Cube
  • Validated for major food matrices
  • Flexible protocols (i.e. polyphenols, hydrolyzed samples, etc.)
  • No cross-reactivities


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